
Business Laws QB


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Index of Contents

  1. Indian Regulatory Framework
  2. The Indian Contract Act 1872
    1. Unit 1: Nature of Contract
    2. Unit 2: Consideration
    3. Unit 3: Other Essential Elements of a Contract
    4. Unit 4: Performance of Contract
    5. Unit 5: Breach of Contract and Its Remedies
    6. Unit 6: Contingent and Quasi Contracts
    7. Unit 7: Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee
    8. Unit 8: Bailment and Pledge
    9. Unit 9: Agency
    10. Extra questions in Unit 7,8 & 9
  3. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
    1. Unit 1: Formation of the Contract of Sale
    2. Unit 2: Conditions & Warranties
    3. Unit 3: Transfer of Ownership and Delivery of Goods
    4. Unit 4: Unpaid Seller
  4. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
    1. Unit 1: General Nature of Partnership
    2. Unit 2: Relations of Partners
    3. Unit 3: Registration and Dissolution of a Firm
  5. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  6. The Companies Act, 2013
  7. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
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Dimensions 21 × 26 × 1 cm

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